Atividade Parlamentar Meeting "Plans of the upcoming Danish EU Council Presidency on Energy Efficiency"

Reuniões | 13-10-2011

Maria da Graça Carvalho participated in the breakfast meeting "Plans of the upcoming Danish EU Council Presidency on Energy Efficiency". The event was organized by the Energy Efficiency Watch and Britta Thomsen, MEP and Member of EUFORES Extended Board.

Birgitte Bay, Energy Attaché of the Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU, presented the vision of the Danish presidency on energy efficiency. Afterwards, there was a discussion on current energy efficiency policy and the prject of Energy Efficiency Watch.

The participants in the meeting were Maria da Graça Carvalho, Bendt Bendtsen MEP, Gaston Franco MEP, Britta Thomsen MEP; and representantes from EUFORES, FEDARENE, Energy Cities, Panasonic, The ENergy Agency of Upper Austria, eceee, Cogen Europe, European Copper Institute, European Solar Shading Organisation. 


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