Atividade Parlamentar Workshop "Electric Vehicle Batteries Made in Europe"

Outras Atividades | 30-11-2010

Maria da Graça Carvalho co-chaired the Workshop "Electric Vehicle Batteries Made in Europe", held at the European Commission´s Covent Garden Building. (Opening speech here).  

This was the second joint workshop on energy storage systems, by which the Commission and the European Technology Platforms EPoSS and ERTRAC aimed to understand recent advantages and future perspectives in materials develpopments, cell technologies, system integration, production and testing methods as well as life cycle assessments for electric vehicle batteries. 

A particular focus was made on lighthouse projects that promote manufacturing of batteries in Europe and might be part of the future implementation of the public-private partnership European Green cars Initiative. The discussions considered interdependencies of production costs, materials performance, cost and supply, energy consumption, robustness and safety as well as cycle and calendar lives.

The results will contribute to a European roadmap showing research, development and implementation paths for electric vehicle batteries.

The workshop was organized by the Coordination Action "Information and Ciommunication technologies for the Full Electric Vehicle" (ICT4FEV).

Further information, agenda and presentations here.   

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