Atividade Parlamentar Seminar EIN - Meeting of Transatlantic Group

Outras Atividades | 09-07-2012

Maria da Graça Carvalho was invited by the European Ideas Network- the Think Tank of the EPP Group, to participate as a speaker in the Seminar 'Meeting of Transatlantic Group', an initiative that took place in Washington DC between 9th and 12th July.

The first day of the seminar took place in the USA Congress at the Capitol. Ms. Carvalho participated in the open discussion roundtable with Sue MYRICK, Congresswoman (R-N C), co-chairwoman of TAG; Jaime MAYOR OREJA MEP (ES), Vice-President of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Responsible for Political Strategy and European Ideas Network, co-chairmen of TAG ;  Burkhard BALZ MEP (DE), Member of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Vice-Coordinator of the EP Committee on 'Economic and Monetary Affairs'; Mario DAVID MEP (PT), Member of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Member of the EP Committee on 'Security and Defence'; Carlos José ITURGAIZ ANGULO MEP (ES), Member of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the EP Committee on 'Central America'; Sidonia JEDRZEJEWSKA MEP (PL), Member of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Vice-Coordinator of the EP Committee on 'Budget'; and Eva ORTIZ VILELLA MEP (ES), Member of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Member of the EP Committee on 'Budgetary Control.'

The second day of the seminar, Maria da Graça Carvalho participated as a speaker in the round table - How to Cope with Growth and Public Debt - a EU and US view. The Chairman was Burkhard BALZ MEP (DE), Member of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Member of the EP Committee on 'Economic and Monetary Affairs'. The EU speakers were Margaritis SCHINAS, Director, Deputy Head of the Bureau of European Policy Advisers, European Commission; Nicolas VERON, Senior Fellow, Bruegel, Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Sidonia JEDRZEJEWSKA MEP (PL), Member of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Member of the EP Committee on 'Budget'. The US speakers were Olin WETHINGTON, Board of Director, International Republican Institute (IRI); Francisco VÁZQUEZ GRANDE, Economist in the Monetary & Financial Stability section of the Federal Reserve Board; Jacob KIRKEGAARD, The Peterson Institute for International Economics. The Rapporteur was Ansgar TIETMEYER, Delegate of the Management Board for EU Affairs,European Affairs Office, Deutsche Bank AG.

During the afternoon, Ms Carvalho chaired the round table - The BRICs in the new world architecture. The EU speakers were Barid Baran BHATTACHARYA, Professor of Business Environment, Indian Institute of Management-Lucknow (Noida Campus) Former Vice-Chancellor (President), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Former Director, Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi and Denis REDONNET, Head of Unit, DG Trade, European Commission. The US speakers were Lorne CRANER, President, International Republican Institute (IRI); Richard FONTAINE, President, Centre for New American Security and Rob ATKINSON, President, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. The Rapporteur was Hanns GLATZ, responsible for the EIN Working Group on 'Globalization and International Trad.

The third and last day of the seminar the round table was about the New security framework and Transatlantic cooperation and the follow up of the Arab Spring.

During her stay in Washington Ms Carvalho met with the american Congressmen:  Sue Myrick - R - North Carolina; Bill Huizenga - R - Michigan; Kay Granger - R - Texas; Franck Wolf - R - Virginia; Jim Langevin - D - Rhode Island; Jeff Duncan - R - South Carolina; Lynn Westmoreland - R - Georgia; Doug Lamborn - R - Colorado; Dana Rohrabacher - R - Republican; John Garamendi - D - California.

There was a working Dinner offered by the Ambassador of Spain, Ramón Gil-Casares Satrústegui in the Spanish Embassy.

In the image: Maria da Graça Carvalho with Sidonia JEDRZEJEWSKA MEP and the US Congressman John Garamendi.

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