Atividade Parlamentar Energy Efficiency in "Europe 2020"

Outras Atividades | 08-05-2012

Today, in the European Parliament, Maria da Graça Carvalho participated as a speaker in the event "Energy Efficiency in Europe 2020", hosted by MEP Alejo Vidal-Quadras in association with Eurelectric - the electricity industry association at European level.

Energy efficiency is at the top of the European agenda this year and for the years to come. The move towards a carbon-neutral Europe will not be possible without a widespread development of energy efficiency in society.

This event gathered Members of Parliament, industry representatives and Council permanent representatives, who exchanged thoughts on the way to boost energy efficiency in Europe. Also there were electricity companies that are implementing and voluntarily reporting innovative projects that promote energy efficiency and GHG emissions reductions in the 2012 edition of EURELECTRIC's "Energy Wisdom Programme Report", which was officially unveiled during the event.


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