Atividade Parlamentar Conference on adult education

Outras Atividades | 16-11-2010

Maria da Graça Carvalho hosted in the European Parliament "New Trends on adult education". The conference that aimed to contribute to the new generation of learning strategies, as  recent figures from Eurostat show that currently, EU27 has 141 millions of inhabitants aged between 50 and 70 years old, but only 6,5 millions participates in education or training activities. Increasing longevity and the need to ensure access to learning opportunities throughout the whole lifecycle, demand for strategies to make education and training more attractive to all people, especially the older ones.

Maria da Graça Carvalho, former Minister of Science and Higher Education and Minister of Science, Innovation and Higher Education of Portugal, was responsible for the opening of the conference. Carvalho declared that "In an ageing society, inter-generational learning will help cement the solidarity links between young and old". MEP also added that "Europe will also continue to need highly motivated and qualified people from all over the world. Here again adult education is essential, helping to integrate migrants and people from ethnic minorities in society and the labour market".

More than 200 delegates from 25 different countries and representing the major EU institutions in the fields of education, active ageing and representative of regions, participated in the conference. (See agenda)


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