Atividade Parlamentar 5 th Euroscience Open Forum

Outras Atividades | 13-07-2012

Maria da Graça Carvalho participated in the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF), that took place in Dublin between 11th and 15th of July.

The Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) is Europe's largest, general science meeting and is held in a leading Europe city every two years. 

The first meeting was held in Stockholm in 2004, followed by Munich (2006), Barcelona (2008) and Turin (2010). Dublin was awarded the honour of hosting ESOF in 2012, following an open competition. Copenhagen will host then event in 2014.

ESOF is an interdisciplinary, pan-European meeting, held under the auspices of Euroscience, which aims to: Showcase the latest advances in science and technology; Promote a dialogue on the role of science and technology in society and public policy; and Stimulate and provoke public interest, excitement and debate about science and technology.

Maria da Graça Carvalho represented the ITRE Comitte of the European Parliament, and integrated the official delegation from STOA. Ms Carvalho participated in the session entitled "The Power of the Purse - How Innovative Companies can take off with Public Procurement", that took place 13th July.

ESOF incorporates a number of distinct stands of activity:

  • A Science programme of seminars, workshops and debates on the latest science and technology.
  • A Media programme to promote science communication.
  • A Careers programme for young researchers.
  • A Science-2-Business programme to link basic research with industrial applications.
  • An Exhibition to showcase the best of European public and private research.
  • A Science in the City programme to engage with the general public.
  • A Social programme to ensure that delegate experience is socially, culturally and intellectually invigorating.

The event is unique in the diversity of delegates who attend: it attracts top researchers from the natural sciences and the social sciences; business leaders; senior EU and government officials; and international scientific media. They come to discuss the best of European science and to address all of the current major global scientific challenges, including Energy, Climate Change, Food and Health.

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