Atividade Parlamentar Understanding the Science of Stem Cells

Outras Atividades | 29-05-2012

The Members of the European Parliament, Maria da Graça Carvalho, Christian Ehler, Vicky Ford and Kent Johansson, organized an informal meeting on the subject of stem cell research.

The event was attended by scientists coming from across Europe that presented their respective research projects, ranging from work on treatments for retinal diseases, diabetes and Parkinson's. The aim of the debate was to explore some of the science behind this kind of research and to provide a forum for an open discussion on the topic.

The speakers were:

  • Prof. Austin Smith, Medical Research Council Professor, Director of the Welcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research University of Cambridge - Pluripotent stem cells
  • Prof. Elena Cattaneo, Full Professor of Pharmacology, Director Centre for Stem Cell Research, University of Milano - Neurons for Huntington's Disease from human embryonic stem cells
  • Prof. Andres Bjorklund - MD, PhD, at Wallenberg Neuroscience Centre in Lund - Use of stem cells for cell replacement therapy in Parkinson's disease
  • Prof. Daniel Pipeleers, Director of the diabetes research centre, Brussels Free University - VUB and Centre for Beta Cell Therapy in Diabetes.
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