Atividade Parlamentar Research and innovation support for high-growth SMEs

Outras Atividades | 22-02-2013

In the context of the on-going negotiations of the Horizon 2020 programme, Maria Graça Carvalho hosted an event in the European Parliament in association with TAFTIE, EUROCHAMBRES, UEAPME, EVCA and EBAN.

The reception aimed at bringing together people from across the European Parliament, Commission and various business, government and Financiers of SMEs to demonstrate the wide-base of support for H2020 and high-light the importance of ensuring a positive outcome for SMEs. 

Together TAFTIE, EUROCHAMBRES, UEAPME, EVCA and EBAN represent 20M SMEs around Europe.

Intervention form Maria da Graça Carvalho here.

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