Atividade Parlamentar Maria da Graça Carvalho spoke about Horizon 2020 at the EPP Group Bureau Meeting in Dubrovnik

Outras Atividades | 11-04-2013

"Horizon 2020 will be a fundamental instrument in structuring research and innovation in Europe"

Maria da Graça Carvalho was invited by the Chairman of the EPP group, to participate as a speaker at the Group Bureau Meeting that was held in Dubrovnik.

The meeting pursued to mark the conclusion of Croatia's accession to the European Union. Croatia will become an EU Member State on 1 July 2013. The main topics of the Dubrovnik meeting were the political, economic and social situation in Croatia on the eve of accession and its contribution to a united Europe, as well as  Sustainable growth and jobs in the EU.

In the context discussions on relaunching the competitiveness of the EU's economy and the EU's budgetary contribution to sustainable growth and jobs, Maria da Graça Carvalho spoke about Strengthening research and development - Horizon 2020.

Maria da Graça Carvalho, who is rapporteur for the specific programme implementing H2020, said that "Horizon 2020 is much more than a funding programme: it will be a fundamental instrument in structuring research and innovation in Europe over the years to come. In particular, it should be as simple as possible; effectively and adequately funded, include a comprehensive approach to the passage from research to market and be designed in such a way as to overcome fragmentation and to encourage collaboration across Europe and beyond".

For the ITRE member, "HORIZON2020 represents a rigorously conceived programme whose goal is to promote a flexible, inclusive and simple approach that will deploy diverse funding resources as effectively as possible. Aiming to support European industry, it also contains a concerted drive to promote excellence in science whilst meeting today's societal challenges".

Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group, Tomislav Karamarko, President of the HDZ, Commissioner Jan Lewandowski in charge of Budget and Financial Programming and Vice-President Viviane Reding as key speakers addressed participants during the meeting. Members of the European Parliament, Members of the Croatian Parliament and Croatian Observers to the EPP Group took part in the discussion.

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