Atividade Parlamentar Horizon 2020: Good prospects for renewables and energy efficiency?

Outras Atividades | 13-06-2012

At the European Parliament, Strasbourg, Maria da Graça Carvalho participated as a speaker in the debate of the EUFORES MEP Group on "Horizon 2020: Good prospects for renewables and energy efficiency? ".

The European Parliament is in discussion on the future of EU research funding, the MFF and the Horizon 2020 programme. Maria Da Graça CARVALHO, Rapporteur for the EP report on Horizon 2020, presented her report and discussed the prospects for renewables and energy efficiency.

EUFORES - European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources, is a European parliamentary network with Members from all major political groups in the European Parliament as well as in the national EU Member States Parliaments.

EUFORES promotes the deployment of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency within Europe. It is a non-profit organisation founded 1995 by Members of Parliament and other key actors.

More information here.

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