Atividade Parlamentar Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), 4th Stakeholders General Assembly

Outras Atividades | 23-11-2011

Maria da Graça Carvalho participated as a speaker in the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), 4th Stakeholders General Assembly, that took place in Charlemagne Building in Brussels.

Ms. Carvalho integrated the session "International perspective and co-operation" and presented the role of the European Parliament, and how it can extend its influence across Europe and its interactions with other institutions (see intervention here). This session focused in the fact that Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technologies have long been identified as a great opportunity for innovation, economic growth and job creation, as well as a key option for long term emissions reduction. As both advanced and developing countries are investing huge amounts of money to prepare their economies and societies for fuel cells and hydrogen becoming one of the components for a clean energy future, how to ensure a coherent international approach? And where do we stand in the international spectrum? Speakers from around the world will share their national visions for FCH technology development and give their perspective on the European state of play.

The moderator of the panel discussion was Bert De Colvenaer, Executive Director of the FCH-JU. The other speakers were Walter Podolski, Office of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technologies, Department of Energy, USA; Seung Young Chung, Fuel cell coordinator of Korea's national green technology roadmap, KETEP Korea Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning; Tadashi Ito, Chief Officer Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology Group, NEDO, Japan; Marc Steen, Head of Unit Cleaner energies, DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission; Micol Martinelli, Senior Advisor International Affairs, European Chambers of Commerce and Industry - Eurochambres and Nilgün Parker, Chair of the Steering Committee of the IPHE.


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