Atividade Parlamentar EPP Group symposium Europe´s energy in 2050

Outras Atividades | 21-06-2011

Today in the European Parliament, Maria da Graça Carvalho participated in the EPP Group symposium Europe´s energy in 2050 - A long term perspective for energy policy in Europe.

The purpose of the meeting was to work up recent discussions that have been held in the Parliament as well as within the EPP Group on energy issues. Also, it was prepared and discussed the EPP line on energy policy, particularly as regards with energy prices, competitiveness, environmental and climate aspects as well as security of supply. 

As EPP ITRE representative on the COP16 and EPP Rapporteur on the safety of offshore oil and gas supply, Ms. Carvalho participated in the debate on EU Energy Roadmap 2050: Energy targets and their impact on the energy mix

Ms. Carvalho underlined that the key points for the way ahead are "innovative solutions that combine competitiveness, energy security and environmental concerns", adding that "some of the solutions have been put into effect and others have not yet, but represent considerable potential".

Ms Carvalho recommended "setting up an informal working group drawn from EPP members in ENVI and ITRE to pool our ideas and come up with an EPP policy line for the end of the year, in view of the COP17 that will take place in Durban in December".

The symposium was opened by the President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek. The Deputy Minister of Economy responsible for Energy representing the incoming Polish Presidency of the Council addressed a key note speech.

The meeting was led-managed by the Working Group Chair, Corien Wortmann-Kool, a number of high level external speakers participated, such as Commissioner Oettinger or the Polish Deputy Minister Kaliski who is in charge of energy policy on behalf of the upcoming Polish presidency.

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