Atividade Parlamentar Energy for Knowledge towards 2020

Outras Atividades | 26-03-2013

In the framework of the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of the Enel Group, the Enel Foundation was launched, a new no-profit organization which aims at carrying out studies and research activities, promoting executive training and dissemination initiatives on energy, socio-economics, sustainable development and innovation issues. 

The official presentation of Enel Foundation in Brussels, entitled Energy for Knowledge towards 2020, Shaping research for a low carbon society, took place today at the European Parliament. Màire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, European Commission delivered a keynote speech. 

Maria da Graça Carvalho made the closing remarks on Horizon 2020 (see PP presentation here). Among the speakers there were also Fulvio Conti, CEO of Enel Group, Chairman of Enel Foundation; Amalia Sartori, MEP, Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the European Parliament; Francesco Profumo, Italian Minister of Education, University and Research; Alessandro Costa, Director of Enel Foundation; Marco Zatterin, La Stampa.

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