Atividade Parlamentar Lançamento do intercâmbio automatizado de dados de registo de veículos na Irlanda [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 17-09-2019

Cross-border cooperation is one of the key drivers for EU political and territorial integration. International crime and terrorism intentions and activities need constant oversight by the authorities. Coherently, framing in the EU architecture and extending the substance of the Prüm Treaty to all Member States is much needed to be credible and effective. I voted in favour because Ireland was one of the last countries to apply the decision in question, which reinforces the protection regime for personal data, but in parallel allows a bigger exchange of information and data between EU countries with regard to vehicle registration. Portugal already complied with the decision in 2018. Member States must rely on one another in these matters, the system in place require a mixture of national and European approaches, the respect of national procedures must be guaranteed. The report we have approved is certifying the efforts made by Ireland to adapt to the necessary mechanisms that are required as regarding information flows and sensitivity of critical information.

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