Atividade Parlamentar Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Alterações Climáticas de 2019 (COP25) [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 28-11-2019

I will be in Madrid at the COP25 together with the EP delegation to follow the work and the negotiations towards a fairer approach to the fight to climate change. We need to pave the way for a furtherly strong global agreement, with all countries committed to work together to halt the rise of the temperatures. We need a global technological pact to deploy those technologies we need to keep our economy progressing for our citizens’ wellbeing, while heading toward a fairer society that can base its needs on a different way to consume the energy that is anyhow needed. I voted in favour of this motion because I am convinced that we need to show the example in Madrid and we needed a strong and committed mandate to negotiate with other more prudent countries. However, for the EU this could also become an opportunity to create new markets, which are now still too small to make a difference. They can bring new waves of investments towards greener economic activities and jobs, thus bringing us in front of the global competition to become a world leader of sustainable prosperity.

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