Atividade Parlamentar Emergência climática e ambiental [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 28-11-2019

Climate change is a serious threat to our future, and if we do not act urgently the consequences could be highly dangerous. It is not correct to define our actions towards this using an emergency language and I was more in favour of a different wording to define the need to act immediately but with rationality. Anyhow, seeing that in Portugal we already adopted a declaration of climate emergency, I wanted to show my convinced support to a motion that calls for the necessary adoption of further measures of adaptation and mitigation in our continent. This must be another tool to use in Madrid at the COP25 to show the world how convinced the EU is about fighting these tremendous effects, but furthermore to force other countries in other continents to follow our example, in order to create a virtuous cycle all together as this is a very interconnected and global threat. The EU must be a catalyst for the others to act and, in the meanwhile, if we want to increase our ambition we must do it knowing which impacts we create to our workforce, citizens and societies.

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