Work in Parliament The impact of coronavirus on aviation and the common rules applicable to slot allocation

Questions to the Commission and the Council | 10-03-2020

PSD MEPs in the European Parliament questioned today the European Commission about the effects caused by the coronavirus outbreak on airlines and the rules for slot allocation.

The question is sent to the Commission when several operators are carrying out so-called “ghost flights” with few passengers, in order not to lose the allocated slots, in line with Regulation (EEC) nº 95/93.

This regulation, which establishes the rules applicable to the allocation of slots at EU airports, includes a rule of loss of rights in case of non-use, requiring air carriers to operate at least 80% of slots allocated in a given season (summer or winter), to ensure their right to the same slots in future seasons.

The coronavirus outbreak is having a major impact on air carriers, particularly in the large cancellation of the number of trips, which result in the use of slots below the threshold imposed by the same regulation. In this context, Graça Carvalho claims that airlines should not be forced to operate in order to guarantee their current slots at EU airports.

Thus, Maria da Graça Carvalho considers that exceptional measures are needed to mitigate the effects of the current crisis, allowing, on the one hand, to provide legal certainty to air carriers and, on the other, to maintain the whole European slot allocation system.

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