Question for written answer E-004739/2021
to the Commission
Rule 138
Álvaro Amaro (PPE), Paulo Rangel (PPE), José Manuel Fernandes (PPE), Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar (PPE), Maria da Graça Carvalho (PPE)
Subject: The CAP strategic plan in Portugal
The process of drafting the CAP strategic plan for 2023-27 should include contributions from representative organisations from the agricultural sector, the environmental lobby and civil society.
The conditions for civic participation in this Member State-led process, vary, however, from country to country.
The Portuguese Government has been accused in various media reports of avoiding transparency and hindering democratic debate, particularly given the delay in presenting the full version of the plan. This state of affairs has led to the resignation of several experts on Portugal’s CAP Review Monitoring Board and the breakdown of relations between professional associations and the Minister for Agriculture on the plan.
In view of the above:
How does the Commission intend to ensure democratic dialogue in cases where political figures refuse to provide the stakeholders to be consulted with the minimum conditions for their participation?