Question for written answer E-002285/2022
to the Commission
Rule 138
Andreas Schwab (PPE), Christian Ehler (PPE), Markus Ferber (PPE), Maria da Graça Carvalho (PPE), Arba Kokalari (PPE), Antonius Manders (PPE), Salvatore De Meo (PPE), Ivan Štefanec (PPE), Barbara Thaler (PPE)
Subject: EU electricity market
The single market is our strength. The physical integration of energy infrastructure between the Member States is a precondition for the proper functioning of EU energy markets and a stable electricity grid. At present, our transmission systems are not sufficient to enable the internal energy market to work properly. If energy systems were better connected and a single market were in place, there would be no way for energy supplies to be used as a political tool. Therefore, as a response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a European approach to energy and electricity is needed. Taxonomy can only be effective if there is cross-border infrastructure and integration between the Member States’ energy markets.
1. What will be the effects of taxonomy in the context of a disparate energy and electricity market?
2. What would be the net benefits of a fully integrated energy market and what would be the cost of achieving it?
3. How is the Commission pushing countries that have been slow to make progress so far to ramp up their efforts?