Work in Parliament ITRE doubles funding for science

Committees ITRE | 12-04-2011

Doubling the 50 billion euros of the 7th Framework Programme to 100 billion

The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy at the European Parliament (EP) has just given its unanimous approval for the doubling of EU funds allocated to  innovation and science.  This will take effect in the new budget to be brought in from 2013 onwards.

The amendment was presented by Maria da Graça Carvalho and four other MEPs and represents a "doubling of the 50 billion euros of the 7th Framework Programme to 100 billion and hence allows for the introduction of a number of new guidelines for the eighth Framework Programme."

Given the unanimous approval of the amendment, Maria da Graça Carvalho says "it's an excellent sign because one of the problems of the current Framework Programme is that funding provisions vary widely from country to country and even from region to region. Both the new Member States, and the countries of Southern Europe have a smaller share than the countries of Northern and Central Europe."

The adoption of the report is scheduled for the plenary session in May.

The amendment also stresses the need for a "radical" a simplification of procedures for funding, something that should bring together the strengthening of funds with a more results-oriented outlook.  This should also promote the sustainable growth of scientific research alongside the furthering of future centres of excellence.

After drafting the Report of the Simplification Programme for Science and Research, approved by Parliament on 11 November 2010 with the unanimous support of all political groups, Maria da Graça Carvalho was appointed the European People's Party rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Budgets (BUDGET) Report on the Mid-Term Review of the Seventh Framework Programme in early 2011.

Ms. Carvalho states that "it is essential to follow this review and make improvements in the Seventh Framework Programme.  In a time of economic crisis, it is necessary to develop mechanisms for job creation whilst giving new impetus to the economy by promoting research and innovation, by making it easier to apply for EU grants and by simplifying their management."

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