Work in Parliament Young Innovators Unconvention 2013

Other Activities | 06-06-2013

"Mobilising leaders, business, government and youth to foster innovation and employment in Europe"

Maria da Graça Carvalho hosted together with MEPs Sean Kelly and Eider Gardiazabal the European Young Innovator Forum's UnConvention which took place in the European Parliament in Brussels on 6 and 7 June 2013.

Ms. Carvalho participated in the painel "Innovation ecosystems in Europe" chaired and moderated by Nicholas Zylberglajt, Co-Founder and Vice-President, EYIF. Among the speakers were also Martin Bruncko, Senior Director, World Economic Forum; Derek Holt, Managing Director, Startup America Partnership; Gavin Starks, CEO of Open Data Institute; and Harri Koponen, COO, Rovio Entertainment.

The Forum brought together young Europeans with innovative ideas and world leading innovators and entrepreneurs, investors, business and corporate personalities, academic and industrial experts, opinion leaders, and, policy and decision makers, with the objective to immerse into Innovation Inspiration, Policy and Practice.

The challenge of the UnConvention 2013:

These have been tough times for Europe: financial and economic crisis, unemployment, loss of competitiveness and, what is more serious, a loss of confidence in the future, in particular for the young. Although a majority of experts believe that Europe is heading out of the crisis, the European Young Innovators Forum, believe a major challenge has not yet been fully addressed: how to inspire and empower young people to be more risk-taking, innovative, and entrepreneurial. A sustainable way out of the crisis requires a fundamental change of mindset among young people in Europe that inspires them to focus their efforts on growth and renewal.

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