Work in Parliament Seminar Growing Beyond Innovation

Other Activities | 23-04-2013

Maria da Graça Carvalho participated as a speaker in the launch of the new Ernst & Young's report  "Moving Europe forward: Innovative for a prosperous future" which is part of the Growing Beyond Campaign. The seminar Growing Beyond Innovation represented an opportunity to analyse the results of Ernst & Young's third annual study on innovation.

The event took place in CEPS Conference Room in Brussels. Other participants in the seminar were Andrea Renda, Senior Research Fellow, CEPS author of the report; Maria da Graça Carvalho, Robert-Jan Smits, Director General for Research and Innovation, European Commission; José Manuel Leceta, Director, European Institute of Innovation & Technologie; and Alessandro Cenderello, Government & Public Service Leader, Ernst & Young. The chair of the seminar was Staffan Jerneck, former Director of Corporate Relations, CEPS.

The report, drafted by Andrea Renda, is based on the findings of a survey of business leaders in selected EU countries and considers the impact of globalisation and what Europe needs to do to compete against losing control over key industrial know-how, to the advantage of other regions in the world.

Ernst & Young's Growing Beyond campaign explores opportunities across expanding into new markets, finding new ways to innovate and implementing new approaches to talent.

The seminar brought together a group of senior executives and policy-makers from across Europe to discuss the latest perspectives on innovation in the EU, and how business and government could work together to drive growth and increase Europe's competitiveness in the global economy.​

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