Work in Parliament Is there a better way to plan Europe's R&D investments?

Other Activities | 22-11-2011

Maria da Graça Carvalho participated in the dinner debate: Is there a better way to plan Europe's R&D investments?. The event was the finale of a series of Science|Business roundtables this year on energy R&D policy.

The aim of the debate was to discuss how the EU could go about coordinating alternative energy innovation in a more joined-up fashion, given the difficulties so far of the SET Plan.

Ms. carvalho participated in the debate about whether there is a better way for the Commission to plan r&d policy. During her intervention, Ms Carvalho spoke about How can the Planning of FP be improved; Is Joint Planning the best way of going about things and How can the connections between Policy and research be improved. 

The event included BP's global head of technology, David Eyton; the CEO of the UK's Energy Technology Institute, David Clarke; the Chair of Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn's new economic advisory council, Reinhilde Veugelers; and the deputy director of the OECD's science and technology directorate, Yuko Harayama, among others.


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