Work in Parliament How to retain European Leadership in particle physics

Other Activities | 29-05-2013

Maria da Graça Carvalho was invited by António Correia de Campos MEP and STOA Chair, to participate in the conference How to retain European Leadership in particle physics.

The event was co-organized by the Science and Technology Options Assessment of the European Parliament STOA, ITRE Committee of the European Parliament and The European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN. It took place today in the European Parliament in Brussels.

Ms Carvalho gave a keynote speech in the closing remarks.

For over sixty years, Europe has taken a long-term strategic approach to research in particle physics. As a consequence, Europe enjoys a leading position in the field today.

Europe's particle physics is built on the foundations of strong universities, strong national activities, and a strong regional laboratory at CERN. Over the years, European particle physics has delivered major advances in our understanding of the universe, along with a range of new technologies ranging from the World Wide Web to innovations in medical therapy and imaging.

CERN researchers have been presented with some of the world's most prestigious awards, including the Nobel Prize on two occasions. The European Strategy for Particle Physics, whose current update is to be formally adopted by the CERN Council in Brussels on 30 May, sets out Europe's vision for a bold future at the forefront of global particle physics research.

In this meeting, the President of the CERN Council and the Director General of CERN presented a preview of the strategy and discussed the benefits to society of European leadership in basic science.

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