Work in Parliament EU Science: Global Challenges Global Collaboration - Conference Conclusions

Other Activities | 07-03-2013

The concluding plenary session of the conference EU Science: Global Challenges Global Collaboration followed three days of discussions among conference delegates on how EU support for research and development can best enable global scientific collaboration and strengthen the response to global challenges.

The concluding plenary provided the opportunity for conference participants to return to the point of departure that was set out in the opening plenary and allow participants to report back on their discussions. Rapporteurs from various conference sessions elaborated on the issues that arose for further consideration and action going forward. The plenary agenda included the conference providing the potential basis for a Council Conclusion at the European Union Competitiveness Council and the elaboration of how Horizon 2020 and actions outside its framework can relate to a 50 year roadmap for research and development.

Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny, Seán Kelly MEP and Teresa Riera Madurell MEP spoke of the conferences conclusions. During her intervention Maria da Graça Carvalho spoke in the quality of rapporteur for the Specific Programme Implementing H2020.

In the image Maria da Graça Carvalho with the Irish Prime Minister Enda kenny after the meeting.

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