Today, in the European Parliament, Maria da Graça Carvalho hosted the conference Ensuring Access to Sustainable Bioenergy Globally co-organized by PANGEA and Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) during the 2013 EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW).
Under the scope of the EUSEW, this event tried to explore key case studies on bioenergy production from around the world showing best practices and highlighting the current opportunities and challenges facing the bioenergy sector.
The development of bioenergy presents both opportunities and challenges for economic and social development, as well as for the environment. Sustainability is key.
Introduction and Welcome by Maria Michela Morese, GBEP and Meghan Sapp, PANGEA
Presentations - Sharing world bioenergy examples from the field: from small scale to large production. Moderator: Dr. Gerard Ostheimer, USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service
I - Experiences in Africa
II - Experiences in Asia
III - Experiences in Latin America
Overview of case studies from around the world
Q&A and Discussion with the audience
Closing ceremony - Hosting MEP Maria da Graça Carvalho (see speaking points here), Faouzi Bensarsa, DG DEVCO