Work in Parliament Conference Transatlantic cooperation on innovation

Other Activities | 16-07-2013

Maria da Graça Carvalho participated in the Conference Transatlantic cooperation on innovation: New ideas for growth and jobs which took place on 16th July 2013 in Washington DC.

Ms. Carvalho delivered a speech in Session 2: Transatlantic Cooperation on Intellectual Property Opportunities for harmonisation of EU-US policies on patents & trade secrets. This roundtable pretended to foster greater competitiveness in both the EU and US with particular respect to innovation

Policy for protecting intellectual property in both the US and EU is changing fast - with far-reaching consequences for companies, universities and entrepreneurs world-wide. Both the EU and the US have adopted new patent legislation, and now they are negotiating a comprehensive trade agreement that will likely include special provisions for IP.

During the conference it was discussed:

  • The IP trade agenda: What should be on the table in the EU-US negotiations?
  • How can we improve protection for trade secrets?
  • Can there be greater EU-US cooperation on enforcement in third countries?
  • Can there be harmonisation of grace period policies in the US and EU?


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