Work in Parliament Conference "Towards the creation of a high-tech building industry. Turning energy efficiency into a sustainable business"

Other Activities | 22-04-2013

Today, Maria da Graça Carvalho, Member of the Industry Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) chaired the Conference "Towards the creation of a high-tech building industry. Turning energy efficiency into a sustainable business" Research & Innovation Roadmap 2014-2020. The event was organized by the European Construction Technology Platform ECTP the Energy Efficient Buildings Association E2BA and took place at the European Parliament between 18h00 and 19h15.

The event aimed at bringing together people from across the European Parliament, Commission and various businesses to debate the research and innovation potential of a high-tech building industry in order to accelerate the development of the economy in Europe. For Maria da Graça Carvalho, who opened and closed the conference, "PPPs are a very useful instrument that allow us to boost innovation and research at European level through the crucial involvement of key stakeholders" (see intervention here).

E2BA is promoting an industry driven research, demonstration and innovation (RDI) programme for Energy-efficient buildings and districts, with the vision to drive the creation of a high-tech building industry which turns energy efficiency into a sustainable business, extending the scope of the running and successful PPP EeB beyond 2013. With its 150 members coming from Industry, Research Organizations, SMEs, Public Promoters and Agencies, E2BA has finalized a new Roadmap in the energy efficient built environment field for the period 2014-2020 and beyond, with shared and focused RDI priorities needed to create the desired breakthrough acceleration and implementation in the market, openly agreed amongst the vast community of stakeholders across enlarged Europe, and in line with Horizon 2020 strategic targets.

The discussion focused PPP Energy-efficient Buildings within "Horizon 2020": the Research and innovation Roadmap and industry commitment; Added value of the PPP EeB, Examples of presentations of running projects and their outputs; The relevance of addressing Energy efficient Buildings and the role of PPPs in Research and Innovation.

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