Work in Parliament Release of imprisoned ethiopian journalist Eskinder Nega

Other Activities | 17-12-2012

Today, Maria da Graça Carvalho co-signed with 15 members of the European Parliament a public letter issued to Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn expressing their grave concern regarding the continued detention of imprisoned journalist and blogger Eskinder Nega

Arrested in 2011 and detained without access to an attorney for nearly two months, Mr. Nega was sentenced to 18 years in prison under the country's broad 2009 Anti-Terrorism Proclamation on July 13, 2012. Mr. Nega's arrest and prosecution came after he wrote online articles and spoke publicly about the possibility of an Arab Spring-like movement taking place in Ethiopia. After his sentencing, the government initiated proceedings to seize his assets, including the home still used by his wife and young son. An appeal hearing in the case is scheduled for Wednesday, December 19th.

The letter notes that the Ethiopian government has an obligation to uphold the right to free expression and reminds the newly appointed Prime Minister that he has "the unique opportunity to lead Ethiopia forward on human rights and bring the country fully within the community of nations." The letter closes by urging the Prime Minister to take all measures within his power "to facilitate the immediate and unconditional release of Mr. Nega." 

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