Work in Parliament Expert Round table "Connecting European researchers for a more competitive Europe"

Other Activities | 02-07-2013

Atomium - Culture: Bringing Europe to the Forefront

Maria da Graça Carvalho participated in the Expert Roundtable Session that Mr V. Giscard d'Estaing, Mr M. Baracchi Bonvicini and Mr Felipe González, respectively Honorary President, President and Chairman of the Board of Atomium Culture (AC), hosted together with the Vice-President of the European Parliament Mr. Oldrich Vlasák in the European Parliament

The session brought together 20-25 key participants in an informal dialogue on the importance of research and innovation for European competitiveness and the role of ICT (Internet and Communication technologies) for the competitiveness of the European Research Area. In particular it will discuss the strategic importance of REIsearch-Research Excellence Innovation Network, proposed as a pilot project.

The programme of the session was as follows:

  • 16:00-16:05 - Welcome Address - Mr. Oldrich Vlasák, Vice-President of the European Parliament.
  • 16:05-16:15 - The strategic importance of communication for a more competitive European Research Area - Mr. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, Honorary President of AC, former President of France; Mr. Michelangelo Baracchi Bonvicini, President of AC.
  • 16:15-16:25 - REIsearch - Strengthening the European Research Area with the power of social networks - Mr. Felipe González, Chairman of AC, former Prime Minister of Spain; Prof. Carlo Rubbia, Vice-Chairman of AC, Nobel Laureate in Physics.
  • 16:25-17:00 - Discussion with the invited MEPs and key stakeholders

The list of participants was:

  • Mr. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, former President of France, Honorary President of AC
  • Mr. Michelangelo Baracchi Bonvicini, President of AC
  • Mr. Felipe Gonzalez, former Prime Minister of Spain, Chairman of AC
  • Mr. Oldrich Vlasák, MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament responsible for STOA
  • Ms. Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
  • Ms. Isabelle Durant, MEP, Vice-president of the European Parliament
  • Prof. Jerzy Buzek, MEP, former President of the European Parliament, former Prime Minister of Poland
  • Prof. Maria Da Graça Carvalho, MEP (see intervention here)
  • Ms. Pilar Del Castillo, MEP, Chair of the European Internet Foundation
  • Mr.  Malcolm Harbour, MEP
  • Ms. Edit Herczog, MEP
  • Mr. Martin Hynes, Chief Executive of the European Science Foundation
  • Ms. Anne Jensen, MEP
  • Dr. Theodoros Karapiperis, Head of Unit for STOA
  • Mr. Krzysztof Koz?owski, Head of R&D, Orange Polska
  • Mr. Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of BUDG Committee
  • Mr. Vittorio Prodi, MEP
  • Ms. Teresa Riera Madurell, MEP
  • Prof. Carlo Rubbia, Vice-Chairman of AC, Nobel Laureate, former Director of CERN
  • Dr. Paul Rübig, MEP
  • Ms. Delia Salmieri, Head of International Relations, CERN
  • Ms. Amalia Sartori, MEP, Chair of ITRE
  • Mr. Renato Tagliaferro, Director of External Relations of AC
  • Mr. Nils Torvalds, MEP
  • Ms. Erika Widegren, Executive Director of AC


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