Work in Parliament "Billions for renovation of buildings-will the EU finally set up a dedicated instrument?"

Other Activities | 19-05-2010

Maria da Graça Carvalho participated in the breakfast roundtable "Billions for renovation of buildings - will the EU finally set up a dedicated instrument?" that took place in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

In the Agenda:

  • Welcome and Introduction - Claude Turmes, MEP, Vice-President EUFORES
  • "Introduction: Billions for renovation of buildings - will the EU finally set up a dedicated instrument?" - Edward Calthrop, Senior Economist, European Investment Bank
  • Open Discussion

Introduction to the topics discussed in the meeting: At the beginning of may, EU energy Commissionar Oettinger announced that part of the non-spent money from the EU recovery package (at least 115 million) would be dedicated to create a special investment vehicle to support the access to credit for large scale renovation of buildings and other efficiency and decentralised energy investments in EU cities.

EU Commission has given EIB and KfW (the German public bank active in the field of the renovation of buildings) the mandate to develop such a fund and to run it. The fund wil not only have contributions from the EU budget, but will aim to attract own resources from EIB and KfW and other EU and national public financing institutions (Bank of the Council of Europe,...) and also from private investors.


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