Work in Parliament 5th European Innovation Summit - IMI2: Putting Medical Innovations to Work for patients

Other Activities | 01-10-2013

Under the scope of the 5th European Innovation Summit - Knowledge for Innovation and in her quality of K4I Governing Board Member and Rapporteur for the Specific Programme Implementing Horizon 2020, Maria da Graça Carvalho chaired the debate IMI2: Putting Medical Innovations to Work for Patients. The event took place this evening in the European Parliament.  

IMI and EFPIA, in partnership with Knowledge4Innovation organized this roundtable debate highlighting the Innovation Plan of IMI2 in Horizon 2020. The goal was to highlight the next phases of research, as well as the dedicated focus to put patents at the heart of the health care research value chain in Europe.

The event featured three keynote speeches to be followed by a moderated Q&A with speakers and audience. The speakers included Patricia Reilly, Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commission; Michel Goldman, Executive Director, IMI and Peter Hongaard Andersen, Senior Vice President of Lundbeck and Chair of EFPIA Research Director Group.

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