Press Research Framework Programmes: Simplifying implementation. Graça Carvalho MEP

News | 02-06-2010

Maria da Graça Carvalho MEP, Rapporteur on the simplification of the implementation of Research Framework Programmes, yesterday announced her priorities on simplifying rules for participation in existing and future European Science and Innovation Programmes in the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy.

The aims of her report are "to promote research and innovation, making it easier to apply for EU grants and simplifying their management".

Amongst her priorities, Maria da Graça Carvalho proposes:

  • A system of funding based on scientific excellence, with simplification of financial control mechanisms, replacing existing ones centred on scientific and financial administration.
  • Harmonization of the rules and procedures for different instruments used in the European Commission programmes, with specific rules addressed to research centres and universities, industry and SMEs.
  • Simplification of the financial rules, taking into account an approach based on trust and a greater tolerance for risk.

In the next months, this report will redefine the rules of participation not only in FP7(€ 52 billion), but also in all other science and research programmes, in order to facilitate participation and increase execution rates. Currently these rules are very complex. The report aims to provide guidelines for participation in existing and future programmes after 2013.

Carvalho will now meet with other stakeholders, including researchers from universities, reasearch centres and companies, to debate the main rules of participation in European Programmes for Science and Innovation.

European Commission Communication

Further information on the measures adopted in the past and on the revision of the 7th Framework Programme

Maria da Graça Carvalho's speech in the Committee

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