Press Horizon 2020: a fast track for excellence, growth and jobs (EPP Newsletter)

News | 26-09-2013

Today, the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy unanimously approved the first reading agreement on the Horizon 2020 Package, including Maria da Graça Carvalho's Report on the Specific Programme implementing Horizon 2020 and Christian Ehler's Report on the rules for participation and dissemination in Horizon 2020. The Reports will then be subject to vote at the European Parliament's plenary session in October 2013. 

"Excellence - without geographical constraints - is the primary criterion for participation in Horizon 2020. Horizon 2020 also introduces measures aimed at increasing participation by small research groups and SMEs in order to foster their potential and to further promote excellence in Europe", stated Rapporteur Maria da Graça Carvalho. 

"During the negotiations, the European Parliament achieved several major improvements of the programme's structure and funding instruments. In particular, Horizon 2020 is much more geared towards funding innovation than its predecessor. We strengthened the bottom-up approach of the programme considerably, providing the dedicated SME instrument with a considerable budget and creating a new Fast Track to Innovation scheme. Combined with a much shorter time to grant and a thorough simplification of the rules for participation, Horizon 2020 will thus attract many innovative newcomers", stated Rapporteur Christian Ehler. 

"Youth employment is a problem that Europe has to face head on. As a result, Horizon 2020 sets out to create the necessary conditions that will enable an increase in levels of employment amongst young scientists through the establishment of return grants and innovation vouchers", added the Portuguese MEP Maria da Graça Carvalho. 

"With a much wider participation and a notable shift towards innovation, Horizon 2020 will help to pave the way towards economic recovery in Europe and will be a long-term driver for sustainable, knowledge-based job-creation and growth", concluded the German MEP Christian Ehler, who is also Shadow Rapporteur for the Horizon 2020 Framework Regulation.

After its adoption, Horizon 2020 will be the third largest EU programme and the biggest supporter of research and innovation in the world.

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