Press European Parliament. From PAN to PSD, almost every Portuguese party gets vice-presidencies

News | 11-07-2019 in Expresso

Almost every Portuguese party ensured Vice Presidencies in the European Parliament committees, Expresso Online reports. MEP Francisco Guerreiro will be Vice-President of the EP Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. MEP Margarida Marques will be the third Vice President of the EP Committee on Budgets. MEP José Gusmão will be the third Vice President of the EP Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. MEP Maria Manuel Leitão Marques will be Vice President of the EP Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection. MEP Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar will be Vice President of the EP Committee on Fisheries. MEP José Manuel Fernandes is EPP’s coordinator on the EP Committee on Budgets. MEP Sandra Pereira will be GUE/NGL’s coordinator on the EP Committee Women's Rights and Gender Equality, and will be Vice President on the EP Committee on Employment and Social Affairs on the second mandate. MEP Isabel dos Santos will be S&D’s coordinator in EP Subcommittee on Human Rights. MEP Maria da Graça Carvalho will be EPP’s vice-coordinator on the EP Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. MEP Lídia Pereira will have the same post on the EP Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.

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