Causes The contribution of Photonics Technologies to EU 2020 Competitiveness and Innovation

Science and Innovation | 14-09-2011

Maria da Graça Carvalho assisted to the meeting 'The contribution of Photonics Technologies to EU 2020 Competitiveness and Innovation' hosted by Malcolm Harbour, MEP, that was held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

During the meeting it was introduced 'The contribution of Photonics Technologies to EU 2020 Competitiveness and Innovation' and featured a debate led by Giorgio Anania, Photonics21 Vice President and Member of the High Level Expert Group.

Linking to the recently published report of the High Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies (KET), Mr. Anania presented the commitment of Photonics 21 to a public private partnership (PPP) with the European Commission within the forthcoming Horizon 2020 framework (press release here).

Photonics21, is the European Technology Platform with more than 1800 members and representatives of industry and science. Through the proposed partnership with the EC, Photonics21 aims to maintain the global technical leadership of the EU and ensure the full exploitation of the economic and employment potential of photonics, recently defined by DG Information Society of the European Commission as one of only six key enabling technologies (KETs) at European level.

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