Causes Needed: A new approach for research and innovation in Europe

Science and Innovation | 30-11-2009

A joint statement of 5 expert groups on research, development & innovation policy. 

To the European Parliament:

The world has changed. Markets are global. Science is an increasingly competitive endeavour. Innovation is becoming the most important engine of growth and jobs in an emerging knowledge-based economy. But in the European Union, many policies governing research, development and innovation need radical improvement, and better long-term planning.

As a new Commission and Treaty come into play, now is the opportunity for change. We are a diverse set of expert groups, some officially appointed and some self-selected, but all working independently of one another for many months on reviews of existing RDI policy. We now find, on the basis of our experience, that common sense speaks out for the urgent adoption of five clear but vital concepts for reform. We note some promising signs of change - such as the recent Lund Declaration[i], promulgated under the Swedish Presidency, and President Barroso's announcement of plans for a chief scientific advisor and the appointment of a climate-change commissioner. 

Now, as the Parliament prepares for hearings on the new Commission, we call on EU leaders to heed calls for more-rapid change - so that EU science and technology can play its full part in solving the world's greatest challenges, and we can at last fulfill the unmet expectations of the Lisbon Agenda to create the most competitive, innovative society in the world.

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