Em Destaque Agenda

Apresentação do programa da Aliança Democrática, em Lisboa

Agenda | 09-02-2024

Apresentação de Lisboa Capital Europeia da Inovação

Agenda | 08-02-2024

Debate sobre as prioridades da UE para o Estatuto da Mulher

Agenda | 07-02-2024
All Agenda

COP16: Briefing by Minister Schauvliege, Belgium Presidency

8 December 2010

COP16: Meeting with Japan

7 December 2010

COP16: Briefing by Ms Hedegaard, Commissioner for Climate Action

7 December 2010

COP16: Briefing by the European Comission

7 December 2010

COP16: Briefing by Öko institut

7 December 2010

COP16: EP delegation meeting

7 December 2010

COP16: Visit to the Botanic Garden, where REDD+ projects will be presented to the EP Delegation

7 December 2010

COP16: Meeting with Ms Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC secretariat

6 December 2010

COP16: Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) meeting on COP16

6 December 2010

Almoço-Debate de mulheres na Assembleia da República

3 December 2010

Seminário Estratégia 2020 e Perspectivas Financeiras após 2013 (UTL)

3 December 2010

Seminar on the research priorities of the Hungarian presidency in the Permanent Representation of Hungary

1 December 2010
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