Em Destaque Agenda

Apresentação do programa da Aliança Democrática, em Lisboa

Agenda | 09-02-2024

Apresentação de Lisboa Capital Europeia da Inovação

Agenda | 08-02-2024

Debate sobre as prioridades da UE para o Estatuto da Mulher

Agenda | 07-02-2024
All Agenda

Host of the seminar "Towards a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) on Added-value Manufacturing" - European Parliament

19 February 2013

The American Association for the Advancement of Science AAAS Annual Meeting - Boston

17 February 2013

The American Association for the Advancement of Science AAAS Annual Meeting - Boston

16 February 2013

The American Association for the Advancement of Science AAAS Annual Meeting - Boston

15 February 2013

The American Association for the Advancement of Science AAAS Annual Meeting - Boston

14 February 2013

Debate "Ensino Superior em Portugal. Que Futuro?", Universidade de Lisboa

1 February 2013

Primeiro trílogo Horizonte 2020 - Parlamento Europeu

31 January 2013

Encontro com o Ministro de Estado e dos Negócios Estrangeiros Paulo Portas, Bruxelas

30 January 2013

Launching of the EIN Working Group on Innovation - European Parliament

30 January 2013

EPP Group meeting - European Parliament

30 January 2013

European Parliamentary Week on the European Semester for Economic Policy Coordination - European Parliament

30 January 2013

Keynote speaker at EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum, Brussels

29 January 2013
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